Sunday, February 14, 2010

So it Begins!

Well what can I say Im like the millions of Americans out there that are over weight to the point of Obese. Do I feel that way quite frankly I don't. Do I feel different than I did when I was a Healthier weight you betcha. I have done the weightloss diet fads, even HCG for a couple of day's but couldn't function. The best part was the first two days you could eat to the point of gorging yourself. With this blog I wanted to track progress through the good old eat right and excersise way of losing weight. I'm not going to tell anyone about this blog that I know maybe someone will find it maybe they wont but it's for me. My next post I will put down my stats as far as size, weight, what my goals are just so I can see where I'm at and what I have to look forward too. I know it's going to be a long time to see the results that i'm after but I hope I can stick with it and acomplish those goals which I have set out for myself. Right now to give you a little info I just barely turn 29 like a week ago. I've been married for going on 7 years. I have two adorable little girls who I need to lose weight to be around but also to keep up with they sometime run me till I get so tired I don't want to do anything. I have about 95 lbs to lose. Which I hope with hard work I can lose in about a year. I'm not looking to lose the weight as fast as I can I'm looking to lose the weight and keep it off. It took me 9 years to put it on I hope to lose it in at least 1. This is my first post so let's see where it takes me.
